
Solar PV is easy to retrofit to any building, so it is an ideal solution to assist in delivering the demanding CO2 reduction targets for the Public Sector building stock.

Public Sector buildings are occupied during the day so will be able to use the electricity generated directly giving a big saving.

But with spending tight in the Public Sector, we understand that budgets may not stretch to a non core investment so we are pleased to be able to offer a fully funded solution.

GHG have considerable experience on Public Sector projects on schools, universities, offices, libraries and other projects.

Community solar projects exempt from EPC requirements

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has announced its response to the Phase 2B consultation on the feed-in tariff scheme. A large part of the consultation was concerned with how the FiT scheme can be improved to better support community projects.

The announcement means that eligible community solar PV projects will now be exempt from the minimum energy efficiency requirement introduced last April. This will apply to all PV installations on non-domestic buildings, including schools and colleges.